
Walking through the house, I am surrounded by mountains. There are the soft mountains of clothes, the crinkly mountains of plastic bags that have been collected over a decade, the stiff mountains of books pop up all over the house, and there’s the unstable mountains. The ones that you know if an earthquake hit, that it would just come tumbling down. All the hodgepodge of items slowly crumbling into an avalanche of small stuffed toys, notebooks, pens, pictures, boxes, and grocery bags. This is the mountain that scares me. Not for it’s unstable nature, but more so because it’s the mountain of where the hell does all this shit go? It has become it’s own pile of randomness. Things I still wish to keep, but keep where is the question?

It’s not like they can travel to my room where they belong, because there is no room. Yes, my room has no room, just enough to walk to the bed and the bathroom. Things have reproduced and multiplied through the years blocking all the walls in my room. I have to move boxes, bags, and more random unorganized clutter just to get to my closet or my dresser drawers. Mind you, this room is not the result of neglect. No. I have cleared out bags and bags of the large black trashbags and yet, my room looks the same. It’s as if it has been cursed and will forever create clutter until I die. Seriously, they are probably fornicating when I’m not home and slowly popping out new unnecessary belongings just to mess with my sanity.

I have even started an annual donation drive that consists of myself picking up dontaions from family and friends during the Spring to be donated to a place that gives items directly to the homeless. I am not trying to sound like a saint, but it was the only way my hoarding behind could let go of items. Knowing it was going to help someone else, because lord knows in my room, all it was probably good for was collecting dust.

Anyways, I’m currently cleaning my home for a family party in the Summer. Unfortunately, I am the only full functioning human in my household to be able to make any effort on the mountains previously described. Although I’m still “young,” my body is feeling everything from my shoulders to my lower back and some how to my ankles. Seriously, how the hell am I feeling so much pain inmy ankles. Both of them.

As I keep typing, I realize there really is no direction for this post. Had just finished cleaning, and somehow everything looks like NOTHING HAS CHANGED which is absolutely frustrating. Two hours of organizing, seperating things that should be trashed from what should be recycled, and nothing looks like any progress was made. I know it’s some what organized, but I guess what truely urkes me is knowing that it’ll be judged still. No matter how much effort goes into the cleaning and organizing, people will look, think we’re slobs, and it’ll just piss me off. They will see the mountains, and see them as hills. Muddy, deformed, unstable, blobs of junk.

Anyways, that’s the end of this “Clutter” post. If you take anything from this, don’t hoard, donate what you don’t need, sell what you can if you have to, and try to keep your life decluttered. Not talking minimalist, but don’t make mountains.

About Katastrophe

English Major Graduate with absolutely no idea how to make money from my major at the moment ...
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